Jin-ah, the former leader of once popular girl band "Purple," hosts a radio show called "Wonderful Radio." When the producer of the program is sacked...
Love On-Air
Innocent Steps is a romantic Korean tale about a 19 year old girl from China on a dance contract. She is paid to practice and dance with her partner...
Innocent Steps
Ki-Chul drives his friends out to a resort situated by an abandoned coal mine. His father owns the resort. When they get there, they cross paths with...
The Tunnel
Although born a daughter of an aristocratic family, Jin-yi discovers the secret behind her birth and enters into a life in a brothel as a gisaeng.
Hwang Jin Yi
A woman finds a man in a box in front of her home and takes him in. She jokingly says she wants to keep him as her pet since the man reminds her of...
You Are My Pet
Ballerina Jung always wears a mask to hide her facial hairs. Everyone, including her boyfriend Goo-chul, around her recommend her against having a...
The Secret Within Her Mask
A young woman tries to escape what seems to be a curse that is killing members of her family one by one.