High Noon tells the story of a lawman named Will Kane (Skerritt) who has just married a young bride, Amy (Thompson), promising to leave his dangerous...
High Noon
Fundamentalist sect member BeckyLyn is accused of killing her husband. Queenie, another wife in the polygamist sect, doesn't believe BeckyLyn is...
The 19th Wife
Based on the true story of the Burt family who seemed normal, upstanding members of the community but were actually deeply embedded in crime. The...
Family Sins
When estranged brothers Adam and Clint attempt to reconnect over a week-long hunting trip in remote British Columbia, they find the tables turned by...
Devil in the Dark
While adjusting to a new life in the suburban community of Aspen Ridge, a recently divorced mother of two receives mysterious letters instructing her...
Red Letter Day
The quiet family life of Nels Coxman, a snowplow driver, is upended after his son's murder. Nels begins a vengeful hunt for Viking, the drug lord he...
Cold Pursuit
In the 1820s, a frontiersman, Hugh Glass, sets out on a path of vengeance against those who left him for dead after a bear mauling.
The Revenant